Join us at this webinar focusing on the competence needs for Ports and Infrastructure developing Offshore Wind!

In collaboration between Fagskolen Rogaland, Energy Innovation, Wind Works Jelsa, Karmsund Port Authority and Norwegian Offshore Wind we are happy to invite for a free accessible webinar addressing development in ports and infrastructure for Offshore Wind. 


The webinar, delivered by the T-shore Centre of Vocational Excellence for Offshore Wind Norway, provide insights into the capacity and the need of competence in the development of ports and infrastructure facilitating the development of Offshore Wind industry.

As a part of the green transition there is a need of restructuring of port facilities and infrastructure to support and adjust to a growing wind industry. There are different needs for floating wind turbines compared with bottom-fixed wind turbines. Large facilities are required to develop a competitive industry. The ambition is to have installation and assembly capacity of 5 GW within 2030 in Norwegian ports. 


15:00: Welcome and introduction – Robert Drønen, Fagskolen Rogaland

15:05: WindWorks Jelsa – Development and competence needs; building and assembly of floating wind turbines, Toralf Ekrheim.

15:20: Karmsund Port Authority – Development and competence needs Haugesund Wind port, Haavik, Tommy Sandtorv.

15:35: Norwegian Offshore Wind, – Mapping and possibilities of Norwegian ports and infrastructure, Astrid Green.

15:50: Q&A  

16:00: End of program 

The Regional CoVE for Offshore Wind Norway are conducting webinars each month (last Tuesday) focusing on various aspect on training and vocational education for offshore wind.

The T-shore Erasmus+ project: Technical Skills for Harmonized Offshore Renewable Energies is a collaboration between partners from Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland.