Franchise locations

Energy Innovation is running a world leading comprehensive Training, Education, Research & Development Center for On- and Offshore Wind and Green Tech in Egersund, Norway, with the largest market share for GWO-training (Global Wind Organisation), and the only education of wind technicians in Norway.

Energy Innovation has developed a franchising for
training & education centers for on- and offshore wind and green tech globally.


Energy Innovation has its head quarter in Egersund Energy Hub – South West Norway, approx. 65 minutes drive from Stavanger Airport Sola. Energy Innovation is the initiater – and have developed Egersund Energy Hub i close collaboration with the land owners Bertelsen & Garpestad og Seabrokers.

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New York

TMI Waterfront Services is dedicated to empowering the local workforce in the waterfront and offshore wind industries to meet New York State’s goal. As a franchisee of Energy Innovation, TMI Waterfront brings world-class GWO training courses. These courses, covering everything from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) to technical modules.

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Energy Innovation – NORWAY has entered into a significant partnership agreement with Inter Marine Group – POLAND as a franchising partner for Energy Innovation Global in Poland where the plan is to develop three centers in Poland.  The first center was certified in March 2024 and established in collaboration with Gdynia Maritime University.

Coming soon/ partners

There are several ongoing processes in US, Europe as well as in Asia.


As of the end of 2022, we’ve formally entered into an agreement with Nunez Community College in St. Bernard Parish to establish a robust training and education center through the Energy Innovation – NORWAY franchising. Their comprehensive GWO and wind tech education programs will be certified in Q2 2024.