Connectors, Carabiner and anchorage/slingTo address various situations encountered in the field, we offer several types of connector, with different shapes, sizes, gate openings and locking systems.Anchors are the link between the safety system and the structure or the terrain.HelmetFall arrest harnessLanyards and fall dampersBrakes and descendersConnectors, Carabiner and anchorage/slingRope, Pulleys & Rope clampsBagsTool securingRescue equipment and evacuation Petzl DELTAGo to productPetzl OKGo to product Petzl Sm’DGo to productQuestions? Get in touch with Sales Tomine-Alice Hetland AaseSales Consultant+47 48 23 85 74tomine@energyinnovation.noLinkedinCOURSESOur CoursesCourse calendarAbout our coursesLocationsEducation SERVICESEquipmentInspectionAbout Energy InnovationInnovationAbout franchiseSustainabilityNewsFacilitiesContact usContact Energy Innovation