OrganizersEnergy Innovation – Norway and ARMSA Academy UK.

Time: Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 15.00 – 16.00 CEST

Free access / open for all => REGISTRATION required to get the link)

1. Introduction and Welcome
Frank Emil Moen, CEO Energy Innovation & Rakesh Maharaj, CEO ARMSA Academy
– Welcome with short background for this webinar
– Overview of the importance of HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) in offshore wind, including a short presentation of ARMSA Academy.

2. The UK’s Regulatory Framework for Offshore Wind 

Presenter: Paul Bradley, Head of Operations, Energy Division, HM Principal Inspector, HSE (UK Offshore Wind Regulator)

Overview of the UK’s Regulatory Framework:
– Explanation of the regulatory framework for offshore wind in the UK.
– How existing regulations were adapted from other industries, like oil and gas.
HSE’s Early Strategy Towards Offshore Wind:
– Retrospective view on how the UK HSE developed its strategy for offshore wind in the initial years.
– Lessons learned and key milestones in the evolution of the regulatory framework.
Advocacy and Enforcement Roadmap:
– Current and future plans for advocacy and enforcement in the offshore wind sector.
– How HSE ensures compliance and promotes best practices in the industry.

3. Norway’s Emerging Regulatory Framework for Offshore Wind 

Presenter: Torleif Husebø, Section Head, Process Integrity, Havtil – Norwegian Ocean Industry Authorities

Status of Regulatory Framework Development in Norway:
– Update on the ongoing work to develop a regulatory framework for offshore wind on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
– Discussion of the consultation process and key milestones.
Challenges and Considerations:
– The balance between maintaining high HSE standards and addressing industry concerns about cost and regulation scope.
– Drawing on experience from Norway’s petroleum industry and adapting it to offshore wind.
Key Principles of the Proposed Regulations:
– Focus on risk-based, performance-oriented regulations.
– Incorporation of international standards and close dialogue with industry stakeholders.

4. Short Q&A Session (ask questions in the chat)

You need to do the registration to get the link for the webinar:


This webinar is part of a serie of webinars organized by Energy Innovation and Fagskolen Rogaland (the Technical College of Rogaland) as part of the Regional Centre of Excellence for Offshore Wind in Norway – as part of the T-Shore Erasmus+ project.