NS-9600 Rope Access Supervisor Refresh

4 days / 30 hours



Certificate/approval for Supervisor in the Rope Access System, according to NS-9600, is valid for 36 months from the date of examination.

To maintain the certificate beyond this period, candidates must undergo and successfully complete a recertification course at their level before the certificate expires. The course revisits the key components of the main curriculum and also provides participants with essential updates on changes in equipment, methods, and procedures.

Start-up requirements 

  • Valid certificate at the relevant level up to and including the examination date for the applied recertification course.
  • Valid medical certificate not older than 3 years

Time table

  • Repetition and training  – 22,5 hours / 3 day
  • Examination – 7,5 hours / 1 day

Upcoming course dates